개인 공부

[22.05.09] catch 를 활용한 다양한 영어 표현

Lea Hwang 2022. 5. 9. 23:51






이 포스팅에서는 catch를 활용해서 쓰는 다양한 표현을 복습해보겠습니다.



1. 잡다, 잡히다, 걸리다

They finally caught the criminal.

수동태 : The criminal finally got caught. = The criminal was finally caught.


어떻게 잡았대?

How did he/she/they get caught?

How was he/she caught?

How were they caught?



My parents caught me smoking when I was 10 years old.


'잡다' 대화문

A : What did you do over the weekend?

B : I went fishing with my uncle.

A : Did you catch some fish?

B : No, I didn't catch anything.



2. 이해하다 / 알아듣다

처음 만나서, 각자 이름 소개 후 얘기하다가 상대방 이름을 까먹은 경우

What's your name? 으로 다시 묻는 것보다는 

Sorry, I didn't catch your name before.
의미 : 방금 전에 이름 얘기했을 때 제대로 캐치를 못 했다.


전화로 절차 설명했는데 마지막 부분이 이해가 안 간 경우

Sorry, I didn't catch that last part.



3. catch up 놓친 내용을 따라잡다 / 뒤쳐진 상태에서 갭을 따라잡다

💡 곧 또 연락을 주고받을 사람 / 만날 사람에게 인사말로 정말 많이 쓰이는 표현입니다. 
'먼저 가있어 나도 금방 갈게.' 를 표현 할때도 쓰입니다.
I'll catch up with you later.

I'll catch up with you guys / girls later.

나이가 있으신 분들한테는, 

I'll catch up with you folks later.


한동안 만나지 못했던 사람과 만나서 근황을 얘기할 때도 쓰입니다. 

A : I met up with some old friends over the weekend.

B : What did you guys do?

A : We just caught up. We hadn't seen each other in almost a year. So, we did a lot of catching up.



일이 많이 밀려있는 걸 빨리 해야 한다. 

I love long holiday weekends like the one we had last week.

The only thing bad about it is that there's usually a lot of catching up to do when I go back to work.



밀린 잠을 자다.

catch up on some sleep.

A : Do you have any plans this weekend?

B : Actually, I just want to catch up on some sleep. It's been a long week.



fall behind → be behind → catch up → be caught up → keep up
뒤쳐지다      뒤쳐진 상태    따라잡다    따라잡은 상태   따라 잡은 상태를 유지하다



4. get caught up in sth, get caught up + 어디에

무엇에 휘말리다, 묶여있다, 생각/감정 요소에 얽매여있다.


감정에 얽매여있다. 

I understand you're feeling very betrayed right now.

But, try not to get so caught up in that emotion.

That's just what people do. You have to move past it.



상황에 휘말리다.

I don't really blame her. She grew up in a bad neighborhood and made some bad friends and eventually got caught up in a series of bad situations. I don't think I could've done any better had I been her.



직장에서 일에 묶여있었다.

Sorry I'm late. I got caught up at work.