개인 공부

[22.05.03] 💡 영어회화 | if 가정법(기초) - 4/4

Lea Hwang 2022. 5. 3. 16:33




가정법을 4편에 나눠서 학습하고 있습니다. 마지막 편을 학습하기 전에 이전 편을 보고 오시는 것을 추천합니다.

[22.04.21] 📚 영어회화 - if 가정법 - Part 1+2 (of 4)


[22.04.21] 📚 영어회화 - if 가정법 - Part 1+2 (of 4)

영상 https://youtu.be/zzo-JxNNyTE 오늘 포스팅과 다음 포스팅에서는 가정법에 대해서 공부해보려고 합니다. 가정법 기초 편은 저번에 다루었는데요, 먼저 보고 오시면 좋을 것 같습니다. [22.04.20] if 가


[22.04.25] 📚 영어회화 - if 가정법 - part 3 / 4


[22.04.25] 📚 영어회화 - if 가정법 - part 3 / 4

영상 https://youtu.be/qtw3i6nLG20 가정법은 중요한 내용이라 총 4편에 걸쳐서 학습할 것이고 저번에 1+2편을 학습했는데요, 기본적인 내용이므로 먼저 보고 오시는 것을 추천합니다. [22.04.21] 📚 영어회





1. ~ 을 했을 거다 / 이랬을 거다 / 저랬을 거다

would have p.p
wouldn't have p.p

일반문을 가정법으로 바꿔보면서 쓰임을 알아보도록 하겠습니다.


저 오늘 늦게 잤어요. 그래서 오늘 아침에 일어나는 게 힘들었어요.

I went to bed late yesterday so it was hard to get up this morning.


어제 좀 더 일찍 잤으면 오늘 일어나는 게 그렇게 힘들지 않았을 거예요.

[[ 과거완료형 ]] + 비교급
If I had gone to bed earlier last night, It wouldn't have been so hard to get up this morning.



I wasn't prepared, so I didn't do well on the interview.

If I had been more prepared, I would've done better on the interview.


I didn't eat breakfast, so I was very hungry during the test.

If I had eaten breakfast, I wouldn't have been so hungry during the test and I would've concentrated better.


I didn't know about his situation, so I couldn't help him.

If I had known about his situation, I would've helped him.

    * 도와주었을 거다




2. ~ 할 수도 있었어 / 했었을지도 몰라 / 이랬을지도 몰라 (가능성)

might have p.p


내가 도와줬을지도 몰라

If he had asked me, I might've helped him.


그 실수를 안 했을지도 몰라

If she had practiced harder she might not've made that mistake.

might not have -> might not've[나러브]


다른 선택을 했을지도 몰라

If I had looked into it (a little) more, I might've chosen a different one.

look in to sth.
sth을/에 대해서 알아보다


If I hadn't told her, she might not've realized how important it was.




3. ~ 할 수 있었을 거야 / ~ 할 수 있었을 텐데

could have p.p

If I had studied harder, I could've gone to a better school.



💡 could've vs. might've
내가 기대했던 / 원했던 / 더 나은 선택지를 ~ 할 수 있었을 거다라는 어느 정도의 아쉬움이 담겨있습니다.

단지 이랬을 수도 있다는 추측입니다.


💡 ~ 할 수 있었을 거야
could've = would've been able to
    *  would have p.p + be able to = would have been able to


If you had asked me, I could've helped you.

= If you had asked me, I would've been able to help you.


If you hadn't helped me, I couldn't have finished this on time.

    * couldn't have [쿠ㄷ른르브]

= If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have been able to finish this on time.

    * wouldn't have [우ㄷ른르브]


If we had left a little later, we couldn't have arrived here at this time.

= If we had left a little later, we wouldn't have been able to arrive here at this time.




4. ~을 해야 했을 거야 / 해야 됐었을 거야, (부정형) ~하지 않아도 됐을 거야.

내가 돈을 충분히 모으지 못했었으면, 거기에 1년 더 있어야 했었을 거야.

If I hadn't saved enough money, I would've had to be there for another year.


👍 ~ 해야 됐었을 거다
would have p.p + have to = would've had to


그녀가 시험을 합격 못했었으면, 1년을 더 준비해야 됐었을 거야.

If she hadn't passed the exam, she would've had to prepare another year for the test.


네가 좀 더 일찍 얘기해줬으면, 내가 이렇게 오래 안 기다려도 됐었잖아! / 기다리지 않아도 됐었잖아!

If you had told me a little earlier, I wouldn't have had to wait this long!

    * had to [핻투]


내가 그 실수를 하지 않았으면, 우리가 이걸 다시 할 필요가 없었을 거야.

If I hadn't made that mistake, we wouldn't have had to do this again.


~ 하지 않아도 됐었다 : wouldn't have had to
~ 할 필요가 없었을 거다 : wouldn't have needed to






가정법 다른 편에 비해서 이번이 유독 어렵다고 생각했습니다. 

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